Saturday, December 15, 2018

Re: [pcgen] More issues with RC2

Reread my request again. I haven't asked for changing the PCGen UI language based on Windows language setting. ONLY the paper format.


If you use PCGen and export a PDF with the A4 setting, then load the PDF in Acrobat you see no obvious clues that the format was the wrong paper size. But if you print it to a printer that has Letter paper size you either get a print with margins that are not visible or you get a print with shrunk blurry text.


Having been a professional programmer since MS-DOS 3.x, I feel that 99+% of all "professional" Windows programs ever developed, starting with way back in the Windows 286 days, have a default page size setting based on the Windows culture setting or in later Windows versions based on the paper size setting specified by the Windows' default printer. Using the Windows OS provided settings for printing defaults is the recommended behavior for all Windows programs and not doing this detracts from the intuitive nature and common behavior expected by any Windows user. PCGen should do the same.


PCGen should either read the Windows culture specific settings, or read the Windows default printer settings' page size property and set the PCGen A4/Letter size accordingly. This should be done at first run only, or during the installation process or the page size setting drop down in PCGen should have a new default option "OS Default" when using Windows.




From: <> On Behalf Of saxumcaribetum via Groups.Io
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: [pcgen] More issues with RC2


On 2018-12-14 18:30, markjmeans wrote:


And while not a problem with RC2 specifically, there is a long standing problem with PCGen and the paper format. PCGen should detect the OS culture settings and if it is US/English, should set the paper size to Letter instead of A4. I don't know how many sheets of paper I've wasted because of this.



oh no! please do not rush to fulfil this request!

Like all too many programs, PCGen actually defaults to US/English in the first place, and you have to fiddle to get it to "OS language".

Don't track the language!

There is already a "Paper Type" setting on the Preferences > Output page, same tab where you set the output style sheets, and choose whether to save output with PC, print spells, print weapon proficiencies, and print default skills.

A really useful page of settings.

Neil Taylor "Creo Imaginem Mente"
ArM Code 1.5 5++ Ca++ R++p H++ ?L Y(96) T(5)- SG+++ G++++ P++ HoH(Ma++ Q+ Hg+) Fz(E)++ C++ :-) Cd++
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Sub Rosa Ars Magica zine -

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